Publication Ethics:

The Journal of Administrative Studies at the University of Basra - College of Administration and Economics is responsible for issuing the Journal of Administrative Studies that is concerned with administrative, accounting and financial matters. This journal seeks to provide equal opportunities for all researchers. As scientific research is accepted based on its intellectual content, regardless of the gender of its authors, their ideas, their origins, their nationalities or their political philosophy.
And the journal's statement of ethics for scientific publishing includes regulations and ethical regulations for the editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board, evaluators and researchers in accordance with the principles of the Global Publication Ethics Committee (COPE), and the requirements of the publication ethics statement.

editor :-
The editor-in-chief of the Journal of Administrative Studies, in cooperation with the editorial board and the editorial director of the specialists, is responsible for selecting the appropriate assessors according to the subject of the research and the specialization of the scientific assessment in strict confidence.
Members of the editorial board of the magazine:
Members of the editorial board of the Journal of Administrative Studies have experience and knowledge in their field of specialization, and their names and place of work are fully published on the journal’s website. Their duties include the following:
1- Working with the editor-in-chief to improve its vision.
2- Determining the appropriate evaluators for the research submitted for evaluation.
3- The evaluation process is carried out confidentially, including the information received from the evaluators.
It requires researchers, within the originality of their research, in accordance with professional and ethical standards, researchers, and this entails the following:
1- The research presented has credibility in terms of displaying the results without distortion.
2- Arranging the names of the researchers according to what was mentioned in the research based on the weight of each of them’s contribution to the research idea, and it requires the researcher to write to the journal to include the researchers participating in the research.
3- Researchers are required to credibly refer to the research that was used in the research as a "scientific trust".
4- Researchers must review the research that has been submitted to the journal in accordance with the evaluation’s proposals.
5- The Journal of Administrative Studies does not collect any fees from researchers when receiving their research submitted for evaluation and publication, except after submitting the submitted research to the sequestration program and confirming that the sequestration rate does not exceed 20% on the one hand, and verifying that the research meets the requirements of the journal in terms of the number of pages and writing sources On the other hand .
6- The researcher is obligated to pay the financial expenses on the evaluation procedures in the event of a request to withdraw the research or ignore the observations of the scientific evaluators without responding to them.

Evaluation and Evaluators:-

The process of evaluating scientific research by specialists represents an essential stage of the scientific publication stages, as well as the journal’s policy to ascertain the professionalism of the work of the scientific evaluators and to confirm their commitment to the journal’s ethical laws. This results in:
1- Research submitted for publication in the journal is subject to evaluation by specialists.
2- In the event that the research is audited by the chief editor and editor-in-chief in line with the journal’s publishing policies and the safety of scientific research procedures, the research is sent to three qualified assessors to evaluate it and write a detailed report on its safety through the use of a custom form.
3- Working in complete confidentiality with the knowledgeable assessors in terms of their names and the reports sent by them, and they are not disclosed except to members of the editorial board, and they are also committed to complete confidentiality.
4- The assessors must be objective in the issued judgments and results.
5- Adjusters are supposed to stay away from personal interests.
6- The evaluators are supposed to confirm that the research is free of plagiarism and scientific theft.
7- Confirm the time allotted for the evaluation process.
Plagiarism (scientific theft):-
The Journal of Administrative Studies considers scientific plagiarism or “plagiarism” an unethical behavior, and therefore the journal rejects it altogether and in detail.
1- Researchers must submit original and not copied works, with the exception of “research of diploma, master’s and doctoral students” and they must adhere to the rules of citation and publishing ethics.
2- Emphasis on accuracy in writing the sources according to the context of the magazine and correctly.
3- The Journal of Administrative Studies has the possibility of applying all the necessary procedures regarding violators of the ethics of scientific research.

Duplication of research presented to the journal:-
1- Researchers should not submit their research to more than one journal at the same time.
2- Researchers do not submit previously published works in other journals.
3- Researchers have the right to publish their research in other journals in the event of receiving an official rejection from the journal and submitting a request to withdraw the research from the journal.
Publication Ethics:
The journal takes practical steps to prevent the publication of research that contains violations related to research behavior, in addition to the fact that the Journal of Administrative Studies does not allow any contrary behavior.
Copyrights :-
The publishing rights are transferred to the journal after informing the researcher that the research submitted for publication in the journal has been accepted.
archives :-
The Journal of Administrative Studies maintains hard copies and electronic archiving of the issued issues.
Publication limits:
The Journal of Administrative Studies adheres to the publication schedules, as it publishes three issues per year.
Magazine name:
Administrative Studies Journal is the name of the journal, and it is a unique name for the journal and cannot be confused with other journals in order not to mislead researchers and readers about the journal’s origin.